• Vol. VII 1&2 Jan – June 2024

  • Vol. Vol. VII 1&2 Jan - June 2024
  • Date of Publication June 2024
  • Editor Bakul Trivedi
  • Consulting Faculty Anika Tere; Dishant Parasharya; Gaurang Sindhav; Geeta Padte; Hiren Soni; Indra Gadhvi; Ketan Tatu;Maulik Varu; Sunil Kini; Prasad Ganpule; Pranav Trivedi; Raju Vyas; Uday Vora; V. C. Soni; Yashodhan Bhattia
  • Layout and design Pugmark Qmulus Consortium, Ahmedabad
  • Associate Editor Devvratsinh Mori
  • Assistance Anuj Raina; Ashok Mashru; Dhaval Vargiya; Viral Joshi
  • Cover Photo 'Pied Wheater’ by Bharat Kapdi
  1. Index    
  2. Note on Riparia species in Gujarat    
    Dhyey Shah
  3. Nesting attempt of Lesser Flamingos Phoeniconaias minor in urban areas of Bhavnagar, Gujarat    
    Kandarp Andharia and Prashant Andharia
  4. Sighting of Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka at Chhari-Dhandh, Kachchh: An addition to the Gujarat avifauna    
    Bharat Kapadi
  5. Unusual Encounter between Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus and Great Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii in Gujarat    
    Vyom Vyas
  6. Sighting of Red Throated Pipit Anthus cervinus near Vadi Lake, Navsari District, South Gujarat.    
    Kavya Shah, Vivek Chovatiya, Bhavesh Patel, Dharmi Ghetiya, Anitaben Patel
  7. Sighting of Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola at Nalsarovar: A Second record from the state    
    Sabbir Belim, Latif Belim
  8. Sighting of Grey hypocolius Hypocolius ampelinus in the Little Rann of Kutch    
    Aditya Roy
  9. Sighting of Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus at Pavagadh, third photographic record    
    Jayesh Dumadiya
  10. Sighting of Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in Amreli district, Gujarat    
    Kaushal S. Sharma
  11. Brown Crake’s Zapornia akool diet menu includes Wafer: A opportunistic feeder    
    Ashok Mashru
  12. Sighting of Red-throated pipits Anthus cervinus near Bhavnagar city    
    Kandarp Andharia, Vivek Upadhyay
  13. Sighting of Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus at Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary    
    Vyom Vyas
  14. Announcement: “Wader Special Issue”    
  15. “Amur Falcon Watch 2024” - A Triumph of Conservation and Discovery    
    Viral Joshi, Devvratsinh Mori
  16. Short Birding Notes - Large-billed Crows Corvus macrorhynchos preying on cicadas (Cicadidae)    
    Prasad Ganpule
  17. Short Birding Notes - Sightings of Common-ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula at Bhavnagar    
    Kandarp Andharia, Raj Vala
  18. Short Birding Notes - Sighting of Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus at Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary    
    Kamruddin Alvani, Tayab Alvani & Ramzan Sama
  19. Short Birding Notes - Sighting of Great Bittern Botaurus stellaris in Vadodara    
    Jenny Samuel, Ravi Kelkar, Vyom Vyas
  20. Short Birding Notes - Sighting of Brahminy kite Haliastur indus near Ahmedabad    
    Ami Bhatt
  21. Short Birding Notes - Sighting of Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus at Nalsarovar    
    Kamrudin Alwani & Anwar Bhai
  22. Short Birding Notes - Sighting of Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda at Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary    
    Kamrudin Alwani & Tayab Alvani
  23. Short Birding Notes - Sighting of Pallid scop owl Otus brucei at the Ahmedabad University campus    
    Devvratsinh Mori
  24. Author Guidelines